In support of Dr. Tun Than ‘s decisive plan to return to Burma to stage protest to topple the Military Regime in Burma, on the 19 of June the birth day of Aung San Suu Kyi, the only noble peace prize winner still remained in prison, the Chin Comunity in Norway is joining the prayer vigil initiated by the Chin Freedom Coalition (CFC), Chin Community in the USA and other democratic forces.
Dr. Tun Than is a retired professor and hightly respected person by his countrymen and women because of his braveness and participation in the non violence movement for the cause of democracy and human right in the Union of Burma. His plan to go back to Burma to stage demonstration against the Military Regime has sparked around the world. He mentioned in his previous statement that he will go back to Burma and challenge the Military rulers who have been committing crimes against humanity and the will of people power will restore democracy and human right in Burma. He also has made requests to all Burma citizens inside Burma that no one should go outside on the 19th of June the day that he will be on the soil of Burma, to show the support of his plan.
When asked if he has done everything ready his plan, he said ”I have done nothing special for this trip because I believe there will be many who will support me for this, and even if I find no supporter I will not change my plan, and I firmly still believe that the rule of this brutal Military regime will be brought to an end.” He also said he wants the people of Burma to be courageous this time since the old man like him will even sacrifice his life for his country.
Together with groups and individual who support Dr. Salai Tun Than, the Chin Community in Norway (CCN) will also join a prayer vigil on the 10 th and 19th of June. We would like to request friends and supporters of pro Burma democracy movement to join us in prayer vigil in your respective Churches and family meeting or by attending our meetings.
For more information on our gathering, you can inquire at or call 47 454 86016. There will be prayer vigil in several municipalities around Norway.