Saving the Lives of IDPs in Paletwa, Chin state

Atulio Chinram, Paletwa ah a cang cuahmahmi Arakan Army (AA) le Myanmar Cozah Ralkap kahdohnak ruangah kan miphun minung 23 an nunnak a liam cang, ral nih an umnak a pawncuahmi hna minung 2000 leng an phan cang tiah theih asi. Inn le lo chuahtak in an tlik tikah, umnak hmunhma reprai in an ngeih lo lawng siloin, ei le din tiang zongah harnak an tong cuahmah. A tlizammi hna bawm dingin, vawleicung hmun kip ah Khrihfabu, Community/social phu min le pumpak cio in bawmhnak kawl le khawlh i zuam cuahmah lio asi.  Cucaah, Chin Community in Norway (CCN) zong nih Norway um kan miphun hawi le sinah bawmhnak kawl ve dingin 28 March 2020 ah biachahnak kan rak tuah. Kan umnak local community upa le contact pawl sinah siantawk nan rak peek khawh hna i, online zongah kut rak samh cio dingin kan in sawm hna.


Due to ongoing armed conflicts between Arakan Army (AA) and Myanmar Army in Paletwa, Chin state, 23 innocent civilians have been killed and more than 2000 people have been forcefully displaced internally. Those internally displaced populations are seriously in need of an emergency supply of food, clean water, and medication. We the Chin Community in Norway (CCN) also joins the Chin communities around the world in raising funds for the displaced populations in the affected area. Therefore, we strongly encourage our friends and well-wishers to be a part of this important donation campaign. All the funds raised here will do directly to the most affected people in Paletwa, Chin State, Myanmar. Every penny counts!  


På grunn av pågående væpnede konflikter mellom den burmesiske hæren og den arakanske hæren i Paletwa, Chin staten, er det 23 uskyldige sivile drept og mer enn 2000 mennesker er blitt fordrevet internt. De internt fordrevne befolkningen har alvorlig behov for nødforsyning av mat, rent vann og medisiner. Vi Chin Community i Norge (CCN) blir også med Chin-folket verden rundt for å skaffe penger for den fordrevne befolkningen. Derfor oppfordrer vi våre venner til å være med denne viktige donasjonskampanjen. Alle midlene samlet inn skal gå direkte til de mest berørte menneskene i Paletwa, delstaten Chin, Myanmar. Hver krone teller!

Vipps; # 600843

Bank konto: 3207 25 10452


For more information about the incident go to the following links;

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